MedAdvisor for Pharmacy - Cloud Migration

Stage One

Stage one of our migration to a web-based platform will commence in July 2024.

To ensure fast-tracked access and minimal disruption to our pharmacy network, initial cloud-based enhancements will be made available within your existing installed PlusOne console. No action will be required to access these initial enhancements.

Please note that rollout to our network will be phased. Pharmacy partners will be notified ahead of updates taking place in their software.  

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  • Improved UI on immunisation, flu, COVID19 and monitoring forms.
  • New look patient search which has been expanded to include patient DOB, Medicare number and postal address.
  • New shortcut to add patients currently not in dispense system.
  • Improved patient record matching between dispense system and MedAdvisor.
  • New dropdown shortcut in patient search for popular services
  • Booked services for MedAdvisor and HealthEngine available in one view.

Anywhere, Anytime Access

PlusOne software will be easily accessible on multiple devices in all parts of your pharmacy as well as offsite. (think being able to access PlusOne on a laptop or tablet when completing vaccinations).

Improved Efficiency

Faster workflows will empower you take care of more patients, more effectively. 

Optimised Workflow in the Pharmacy

Freedom and flexibility to complete tasks in different parts of your pharmacy.

Stay on Top of Product Updates

Future product updates to be delivered more efficiently

Hassle-Free Operations

No more IT support issues related to physical installations
PlusOne for Pharmacy
Workflow Change:
After transition to the new look patient search, a comma will need to be inserted between surname and first name. For more details, please refer to our Quick Start Guide below.
Please note:
In some instances, patients may not automatically display in the recently dispensed customer list. If this occurs, you can find their record via the search function. This is a temporary change and will be resolved with a future update for any affected pharmacies.



Quick Start Guide


Record Services Webinar